Unlock almost all guns in pixel gun 3d!
Notice: This script is abandoned. I will not be updating, maintaining, or helping with it. Please do not ask me for help finding ids, report bugs with the script, or ask for help using it.
Armor unlock script is done and will be coming soon!
Weapon spoofer script is done and will be coming soon!
Unlock at your level instead of level 1 script is done and will be coming soon!
Use illegal weapons like bone knife script is done and will be coming soon!
Unlock UNCOMMON GUNS script is done and will be coming soon!
Do you want necklace of the ice king, spirit staff, and ultimatum? How about heart of volcano, desert fighter, and iron sword? No? Maybe ice paws, activity neutralizer, and cyclops sling?
Unlock all your dream guns with pixel gun 3d weapon unlocker, with only the click of a button!
This hacks comes with 500 of the most wanted weapons !